Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Fabulous Spring Break

So far spring break 2010 has been jam packed with all sorts of fun activities. Beautiful spring weather has given us hours and hours of outside play time with neighbors and other friends.

Today we flew the kite Olivia got for Christmas. I had no idea what a difference using a well-made kite can make. When I was a kid, I only had those cheap plastic kites that always ended up stuck up in a tree. But with this kite, as long as the wind was blowing, the kite shot up into the air with very little effort. The girls quickly figured out that pulling the string makes the kite dip, dive and flip through the air. We all were giggling and begging for another turn.

Earlier in the week we dyed Easter eggs and splattered them with glitter paint. The girls have gone on many bike rides, had picnics in the yard, and gone to the park.

Yesterday Olivia and Sophia got packages from both grandparents packed full of Easter fun! They each got a spring dress, swimming suit with matching cover-up, a super soft, stuffed bunny, toys and Easter candy. They were both thrilled beyond belief.

Currently, I'm making use of the free wifi at Mickey D's while the girls make new friends and climb around in the playland. The girls are both wearing their new dresses and their new favorite bunnies are sitting next to me as I type.

Tomorrow I'm leading the Bunny Bop, an Easter party, at the rec center (my job). The girls will join me other preschoolers in making bunny masks, spray painting egg-shaped paper, and playing Easter games.

On Saturday I'm working at the Wheat Ridge Easter Egg hunt as the Easter Bunny chaperone. Yale will bring the girls to participate in the fun. Sunday will be spent doing our second anual Easter Bowling egg-stravaganza and Monday we plan to go swimming.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Funny Conversations

I overheard a funny conversation between Olivia and Sophia the other day.
Olivia -said, "No people on Earth eat other people. If they did, they would go to jail."
Sophia responded, "What about hair? One time I ate a hair. I don't want to go to JAIL!!!!!"

Today on the way home from school Olivia was telling me about one of her classmates' dog coming to visit their class. This is what she said:
"Clancy stepped over me and hit my head. It hurt, and I didn't hear him say he was sorry."

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Valentine's Day Fun!

The girls had a very eventful Valentine's week. I've been subbing for the preschool at the rec center, so they both got to participate in that Valentine's Day party for that class. They also both had parties in their classrooms. Sophia's class got to decorate their own heart cookies and Olivia got to create her own banana split. They both got mulitple Valentines in the mail and a holiday package filled with treats and surprises from the Kaul granparents.

I've been very fascinated with the girls' hands lately. I love how soft and plump they are. Last night, we were walking to a church for a concert and Sophia said to me, "I very want to hold your hand." Despite the freezing temperatures, this completely melted my heart. I hope to get some good photos of their cute little hands and put them in a photo album to help me always remember that feeling.

Yesterday Yale and I were commenting on how much both the girls have grown and changed recently. Olivia has graduated from a regular car seat to a booster seat. This means she can get in and out of her seat on her own. I think this makes her feel very grown up. Olivia's teacher continues to comment on how much growth she's made with reading and writing. This year, Olivia made all of her Valentines by herself, including writing all of her classmates names and signing her own name. She even drew a picture of each kid in her class doing something that reminds her of them. One girl, Sasha, was doing spaghetti arms, which I guess is something they do in class. Another boy was playing with a truck and one of her friends was on the tire swing. I thought this was so sweet and thoughtful.

Sophia is changing a lot, too. Although she often feels frustrated because she says that she always feels small, and she really, really wants to be big. I plan to get some of her baby clothes out soon, so she can see just how much she's grown. Sophia has started writing her own name and drawing hearts, which she works very hard at. She's been taking a dance class with Olivia at the rec center and is showing a lot of focus and strengths. She also made all of her own Valentines this year and they were beautiful!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Joy

The Kaul- Golter family is happy to report that we had a relaxing and fun Christmas. We continued our annual tradition of spending Christmas Eve at the Buddington house. The girls had a great time playing with Nate and Quinn, and Yale and I enjoyed having great adult conversation with good friends. We topped the night off with some delicious chocolate fondue!

We enjoyed Christmas day with just the 4 of us. Olivia woke us all up, eager to see what she got from Santa and open her presents. Olivia asked a bunch of questions about just HOW Santa manages to get down the chimney, deliver presents all around the world in one day, etc. I realized after she asked me if Santa sneaked into my room to get gift bags for their presents, that she recognized the bags from a previous Christmas. I have a feeling if she continues to believe in Santa much longer it will be out of pure will and not do to a lack of understanding.

Several hours after opening presents, Sophia, out of the blue, said, " I really like all my new stuff." She especially likes her Mermaid Dora friend and her candy cane filled with "M a M's". Olivia adores her new stuffed globe, which she calls her Earth friend.

We started building a gingerbread house and should finish decorating it today. A highlight for everyone was driving around that night looking at people's Christmas lights. The girls were really cracking Yale and me up with their reactions. Sophia kept saying, "I can't believe mine eyes!" They both decided that we were in "Rainbow Light Land". Olivia was convince that she kept seeing Santa's house, or so she said. It's so nice to see the girls get so much pleasure out of something so simple.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bird Helpers

A few nights ago while we were driving around downtown Denver looking at all of the Christmas lights, we were all wondering how people get the lights all over the skyscrapers. Sophia astutely suggested, "Maybe the birds put them up there."

A couple of days after that while I was taking Sophia to school, as she was looking out the car window, she said, "Mommy, I wish I was on a bird. Then I could fly to Grandma's house. "

Maybe we have a future ornithologist on our hands.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Abra Cadabra?

Yale and I have been really working to get Sophia to ask for things nicely, which as times can be quite challenging. Th other day she wanted me to help her with something, but was not using her best manners while asking. Even though I don't use this phrase very often, I asked her what the magic word is. With a very bewildered look on her face, she questioned, "Abra cadabra?"

I've had two parents who have worked in Olivia's classroom at school comment about how coordinated and athletic Olivia is. If you know me very well, you know this makes me VERY happy! I have dreams of me playing in doubles volleyball tournaments with one or both of my girls at some point in my life. If either one decides they want to play volleyball, hopefully they'll get good enough before I need a cane to get around the court.

Both girls handled selling their leftover Halloween candy to the dentist like champs. I was impressed. In return for their goodies, they each got a dollar (a first for both of them), a new toothbrush and a little toy that they got to pick out. I think the Halloween Candy Buy Back program is a great idea. Not only for the sake of the girls, but also so that Yale and I don't have to spend twice as much time at the gym trying to lose those Halloween candy pounds.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Butterflies after a Snow Storm

The girls had a delightful time dressing up as butterflies this year for Halloween. Grandma Kaul kindly made them sparkly pink tutus that the girls adore! Fancy butterfly wings, glittery antenna and a butterfly wand made the outfit complete. Olivia's class party was postponed for several days because we had a huge snow storm and school was canceled on the day her party was originally scheduled. Fortunately, her teacher realized how disappointed those 17 five-year-olds would be if they didn't get to wear their costumes to school and have a party! Her favorite part of the party seemed to be showing her friends her beautiful costume and getting tons of holiday trinkets. Sophia goes to school on different days than Olivia and she got to have her class party as planned. She loved decorating a Halloween cookie and getting to wear sparkly make-up on her face.

On the night before Halloween Yale took the girls to the Wheat Ridge Pumpkin Glow where they got to see lots of carved pumpkins, play games and dance. I missed the fun because I had some work to do, but it sounded like they all had a great time.

For the first time ever, we took the girls trick-or-treating in our own neighborhood. Despite the snow storm, the evening was nice enough for the girls to still wear their butterfly wings over a light jacket and fortunately all of the snow had melted off of the sidewalks. Yale and I were both pleased with how polite the girls were while visiting the neighbors' houses. We decided it was time to go home when the girls' bag were full and all of our pockets were overflowing with candy. All of our neighbors were more than generous!

I thought both girls were going to cry when I told them that I wanted them to give most of their candy to the Halloween Candy Buy Back program where participating dentists will pay kids $1 per pound of Halloween candy. The candy then gets sent to the U.S. soldiers serving overseas. I think it's a great idea, and I think now both of the girls are warming up to the idea. Today, Olivia hesitated before eating a piece of candy because she was concerned that the soldiers wouldn't get enough candy. She still ate it, but I thought it was sweet thought. Sophia is just excited because she wants to see what a dentist office looks like. She hasn't been to one yet. I'll let you know how the actual exchange goes. Hopefully they'll still be feeling generous when we hand over the goods.